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Melvin, Iowa
Main Branch
P.O. Box 188
Melvin, Iowa 51350
M-F 9am-4pm
Sat 9am-Noon


Sibley, Iowa
721 2nd Ave.
Sibley, Iowa 51249
Lobby Hours
M-T 8am-3pm
Fri 8am-5pm
Drive-Up Hours
M-F 7:30am-6pm
Sat 8am-Noon


Job applications apply here.

Contact Melvin Savings Bank

At The Melvin Savings Bank we take pride in being extremely accessible and easy to contact.

Call us at (712)736-2420 in Melvin or (712)754-2535 in Sibley to speak with one of our customer service representatives or fill out the form below and we will get back to you as soon we can.

*Warning: This form and Internet e-mail is not encrypted and therefore is not secure. Never send private financial or personal information using e-mail (including account numbers, social security numbers, credit card numbers, passwords, and/or account balances).


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verification image, type it in the box
